I forgive myself,
For not understanding you
The way you wanted me to
I forgive you too,
For not accepting me
The way I wanted to be
I forgive our selves
You forgive us too
I want no bond
You free yourself too
I have always been possessive
And overprotective about you
Diminishing the fact that
I never belonged to you
I hurt you over and again
For the reason that I was scared
Scared of losing you
Fear of letting you be shared
Burning myself in the agony immeasurable
I found my tiny ashes beside your huge dreams
My gratitude to you for toning me earthly down
No more do I feel attached to physical realms
And, things have changed for well
I may not beleaguer you much more
I leave your corpse behind with you
Take coerced with me your sinless core
In heart of my heart
I don’t crave anymore
To see you, hear you
Feel you or touch you
Because all that is flesh and bones
And I never fell for that you know
I loved someone behind that veil
Truth that you hardly believed though
That man peeping through your eyes
That soul talking through your speech
That aura which pulled me oh so close
Won me through its alluring beseech
I feel very close to that person in you
I deem being one with heart so pure
You don’t recognize yet what you have in there
A beautiful soul, my all time lure
I am in concord, with your indestructible being
I am in a treaty, to be your cohort till the end of time
You travel through your births, I will cross impending lives
To be with you forever, will be my endeavor prime
So, here I will be, with you evermore
In this vast universe of promises infinite
Where neither can someone question my love for you
Nor can the world part us and divide
I will love you as I do, as I did in umpteen lives
And live to see that smile on your divine face
Amalgamation of your core with mine, completed me
No more domineering, no more corporeal chase