Thursday, June 25, 2015

42. Magical Voices

Some voices when heard makes life more beautiful
They enlighten the essence of the conversation on whole
Treasure them,
In your heart of heart
To be heard through memories...

They may not be heard as and when you wish,
Exclusively for you..
They may not stay with you forever
They may leave you sooner or later to accomplish their own journey
To fulfill their purpose of making more people happy
And to enlighten more lives elsewhere

Love them and feel them as much as you can till they are yours and with you!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

41. Marsh mallows

It is soft
It is spongy
The tickle of the thought is so buttery

Sauvae- the initiations
Debonair-the delights
So velvety are the whimsies
The likes of the egg whites!

Sweet laden-the curls of roses
Being crushed with gentle moves
Flavors those clandestine
Plummeting the strife grooves

The creation thus uprising
Is beautiful although callow
My fantasies served as palate

Carved in cute Marsh mallows

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

40. Nameless Chase

Beyond my naive exultation
Above your ingenious jubilation

My love,
There is this beautiful silken wish
Gaping with hopeful breath
To be fulfilled at the verge of
Amalgamation of our trance

It sweetly mourns 
About the anticipated elation
That would surface the physical peripheries
At the onset of the movements


Your skin would bring to mine
Your flesh would thrust in me
Your words would lit in heart
Your breath would burn in me

The feel of seventh cloud
Fragrance of frenzy highs
Trance of being so speechless
All talking done by eyes

Ohhh..the restlessness
Talk about keenness
Blind horse of silken wishes
Meandering with eagerness!!

Breathing slow and fast
Exhaling with slightest pace

My love,

Where have we reached?
In this oh so nameless chase!!

Saturday, June 06, 2015

39. Silent Sadness

Earlier when there came the times of sadness
It accompanied with it the thrust of disruption

This time it walked in so delicately unhurried,
With the cushioned paws buttoned beneath
Puffing around the breeze of desolation
And spreading within the tang of melancholy

Is so unique this time
No tears,
No momentum of ache in the heart
Eyes still on an invisible horizon
Mind afloat in vacuum of no thoughts
There is no crying over hurt words
There is no grieving of any loss

No exterminated dream
No eradicated appeal
No slaughtered wishes
No murdered feelings

And yet,
There is this sadness
Sadness in me,
Over me
With me
About me
Around me
Saying nothing
Demanding nothing
It Just wants to be with me,
It just just came to see me,

This weird sadness
This silent sadness