Wednesday, April 29, 2015

38. Cosmetic Fishes

All so lie
All so superficial
I live in the ocean full of cosmetic fishes
Covered with the scales of colorful deceits
They smell awful when their synthetic fragrance wades off
None can see or taste the tears, dropped by the genuine ones
In the ocean full of filthy salts

It chokes me to breathe here
It makes me uncomfortable

I don’t belong here
I have been wrongly placed

I want to swim away, far far away
I don’t know where
But definitely there
Where the water is clean
Fishes without spleen
Honesty is what they exhale
And loyalty thus prevail

I want to be free again
Save myself from pain
Pain of being so faux
Hurt of losing myself
I want to get away

From this endless malign delve